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Mixup puzzle
Master Mixup Cube Type 6A higher order cousin of the Mozaika. It consists of an outer 2x2x2 and rings of pieces between them. Heavily bandaged but not behaving as such.
Master Mixup Cube Type 7A higher order cousin of the Mozaika. It consists of an outer 2x2x2 and rings of pieces between them. Heavily bandaged.
Master Quadrant BallA redesigned spherical 4x4x4 with eighteen circles with four segments each in the faces and edges.

Maybe CubeLike a modified Babyface Cube. The faces can't be turned but the moves that are possible allow for 45° steps.
Mike's MixupIcosahedral transformation of the mixup octahedron. Every piece is unique in shape and size.
Minimal MixupA skeletal version of Mixup Cube.

Mixup 2x3x3A 2x3x3 which allows Mixup moves.
Mixup 2x4x4Looks like a 2x4x4 but like the Mixup Cube allows strange moves.
Mixup 3x3x3A 3x3x3 that allows swapping of centers with edges.

Mixup 3x3x4Another Mixup puzzle by the (re-)inventor of the Mixup Cube. This time a 3x3x4 was "mixed up".
Mixup 3x3x4 IIA 3x3x4 that allows additional mixup turn.
Mixup 3x3x5A cubic 3x3x5 that allows an additional mixup turn.

Mixup 3x4x4A 3x4x4 that allows additional mixup turn.
Mixup 4x4x4A 4x4x4 that allows additional mixup turn.
Mixup 5x5x5The bigger cousin of the Mixup Cube. A fudged and jumbling puzzle.

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