Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Face turning icosahedron (axis system)
Pentagram (Hexa World Map)A sticker variant of the Pentagram.
Radio 3 DodecahedronA corner turning dodecahedron resembling a Curvy Starminx but working like the Rex Dodecahedron.
Radio 3 OctahedronA Radiolarian 3 (a face turning icosahedron) redesigned to have the shape of an octahedron.

Radio Ball 3A Radio Cube 3 redesigned with the shape of a sphere.
Radio BridgeThe Radiolarian 8 (aka Radio Jam) in shape of a dodecahedron.
Radio BurstThe dodecahedral equivalent of the (not yet implemented) Radiolarian 10.

Radio Canon (Radiolarian 1.5)A mid-entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.
Radio Chop (Radiolarian 15)The 15th and last entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.
Radio Crystal (Radiolarian 9)The 9th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.

Radio Cube 3A Radiolarian 3 (a face turning icosahedron) redesigned to have the shape of a cube.
Radio Fathom - (Radiolarian 14)The 14th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.
Radio FlareThe dodecahedral version of RadioWeb (aka Radiolarian 6)

Radio Gem - (Radiolarian 13)The 13th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.
Radio Jam (Radiolarian 8)The 8th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.
Radio Jewel - (Radiolarian 7)The 7th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.

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