Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Wu Yuan
Echeveria DodecahedronA dodecahedron with face turns and corner turns very close to the surface.
HexagrammThe Hex Domino reimplemented in a star-like design.
Hexplate 2Three circles, turning in two, six and two steps.

LitestarminxThe Curvy Starminx without curvy cuts.
Master Rex HeptahedronA corner turning pentagonal prism designed to be a puzzle with a multi-origin-core.
Multi-Crazy Master PentultimateThe Master Dodecahedron with additional circles in each side.

Rex HeptahedronCorner turning pentonal prism with somewhat different piece types. A jumbling-only puzzle.
StarmateA face turning dodecahedron with 3 cuts per axis. One is deep cut, the other two go right through the corners.

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