Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Doctrinaire puzzle with limited axis system
Septic TwistFour layers in shapes of heptagons can be turned without jumbling and fudging.
TetragramFour axes and four effective sides with the cutting pattern of a Starminx II.
Tetragram IIThe Tetragram with curvy cuts that make two types of pieces visible and one additional turn.

TraheptrixA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and heptagonal pieces.
TraoctrixA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and octagonal pieces.
Trapen-KrystShaped as the Trapentrix but with only one of its turns, the other being an edge turn.

Trapen-Kryst essenceA minimalist biaxe triangular prism with just two turns: One in steps of 120°, one in steps of 180°.
TrapentrixA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and pentagonal pieces.
Trapentrix EssenceA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and pentagonal pieces, with deeper-than-origin cuts.

TriQuadA non truncated version of Bygride-3-4 with different cuts.
TridecalisA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and decagonal pieces.
TrientalisA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with threefold rotation and heptagonal pieces.

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