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Trapen-Kryst essence
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A minimalist biaxe triangular prism with just two turns: One in steps of 120°, one in steps of 180°.

It could be considered as a modification of the Triangular Domino (see the seperate entry) in which 2 of the 3 cuts have been bandaged and the cut used is curved to make the pieces of the vertices disappear, leaving only the edges.
It is a super-simplified biaxe which is intended to demonstrate the axis system of the Trapen-Kryst, which is the inspiration for its design.

As its inspiraten the puzzle utilizes only two axes: One turning in steps of 120°, the other in steps of 180°.
After each 180° turn, there are only two possibilities for the other axis: 120° or 240°.
Then 180 again, whereupon the chosen option is endorsed and again we are faced with the dilemma, and so on and so forth.

The puzzle only has 6 pieces.
2 pieces are not interchangeable, (1 core and 1 axis piece that turns only at 120)
4 pieces are interchangeable turning at 180

Printed in PETG plastic
Size: 60 x 20 mm
Weight: 25 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: francisco bedmar alvarez.


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