Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Rings of pieces (3D + 1x1xN)
Orb (aka Orb-It) (english versions)A bead-moving puzzle that came in at least four different versions. The non-english versions have their own entry.
Orb (aka Orb-It) (non-english versions)Versions of Orb-It produced for the non-english speaking market.
Over & Under 5-loop Chain PuzzleFive rings with twentyfour marbles each, unconnected but exchangeable.

Over-and-UnderThree rings with seventeen marbles each, unconnected but exchangeable.
Pearlorbs aka Magic Beaded BallAn Orb-It with white body. Possibly a knockoff.
PsychlopathThree strangely tangled loops plus one rotated to rearrange them.

Puzzle ballPlastic version of Screwball
RainbowFour colours, each with three shades to organize according to the paint on the puzzle.
Rocket Intelligence BeadThree rings each with eight balls in a fidget spinner shaped like a rocket.

Screwball (Natural)Four rings of eight balls each.
Silver OrbA CADed relative of the "The Orb" with five rows of marbles instead of four.
Space MassagerAn elusive puzzle dating back to the times of the original puzzle craze.

Space Massager IA variant of the Space Massager. This one has crossed lines in the cupolas and three layers.
Space Massager IIA variant of the Space Massager. This one has three parallel lines in the cupolas and two layers.
Space Massager IIIA variant of the Space Massager. This one has a single line in the cupolas and four layers.

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