Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Geometry Dash Bump 2x2x2A bumped 2x2x2 with Geometry Dash icons.
Ghost 2x2x2 OctahedronA ghosted 2x2x2 in shape of an octahedron.
Ghost 2x2x2 Tetrakis hexahedronA 2x2x2 customly transformed into the shape of the namegiving solid but with a tilted axis system.

Ghost Coconut 2x2x2A non-rotting food puzzle with an additional but known twist.
Ghost Dodecahedron 2x2x2The concept of the Ghost cube applied to a 2x2x2 dodecahedron, itself a shape transformation.
Ghost Hexagonal 2x2x2A 2x2x2 in shape of a hexagonal prism and ghosted.

Ghost Hexagonal Bipyramid 2x2x2A ghost version of a 2x2x2 hexagonal bipyramid
Ghost Hexagonal DipyramidA 2x2x2 ghosted and transformed into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.
Ghost Icosahedron 2x2x2Ghost icosahedron 2x2x2

Ghost Octahedron (2x2x2)A octahedral 2x2x2 twisted inside the solid so that no two pieces have the same shape.
Ghost RD 2x2x2A 2x2x2 in shape of a rhombic dodecahedron plus the concept of the Ghost Cube
Ghost Real Ostrich Egg 2x2x2The result of Tony Fisher teaming up with an ostrich.

Ghost Triangular Prism 2x2x2A 2x2x2 that was "ghosted" and reshaped into a triangular Prism.
Ghost Twist 2x2x2Ghost Cube 2x2x2 with a Twist.
Glow in the dark 2x2x2A 2x2x2 with sticker which glow in the dark.

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