Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Cubik's TangleA 2x2x2 covered with stickers of all possible 24 single plates known from Rubiks Tangle.
Cubo HilidoA 2x2x2 remodelled into something that could be an amoeba extending three legs.
Curvy Confusion 2x2x2A 2x2x2 with six reduced and two enlarged pieces, created a strangely bandaged puzzle.

CyclideA 2x2x2 in a strange shape.
Cylinder 2x2x2A 2x2x2 in shape of a cylinder.
D'cubex 038 (Cangrejox)A 2x2x2 handmodified into a mystical crab.

D'cubex 049 (Libélulax)A 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic dragonfly.
D'cubex 056 (Sleeplex brainz)A 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic one eyed scorpion.
D'cubex 057 (Sleeplex tallz)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic one eyed four-legged animal.

D'cubex 064 (Sunflowerx)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic sunflower
D'cubex 068 (Sleeplex taller)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic animal.
D'cubex 086 (Taurux)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic bull.

D'cubex 087 (Dementiax)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into a something similar without being able to nail it.
D'cubex 088 (Masquerenx)A Bump 2x2x2 handmodified into surrealistic art, themed masquerade.
D'cubex 089 (Paquidermox)A 2x2x2 handmodified into a surrealistic elephant.

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