Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Roto 44Four circles in square configuration with a fifth in the center.
Round Fish DominoPieces of a rhombiminx used to create a 2x2x2 with four additional layers. Afterwards truncated into a cylindrical shape.
Rounded LemonA Gear Cube truncated on two edges.

Roux CubeLooks like a reimplemented Tie Cube but is a 3x3x3 with a new type of bandaging.
Royal MagicA custom made Rubiks Magic with 20 tiles and nine rings ina more redular pattern.
Rubbik's CubeA 3x3x3 with pieces covered with Polytek Poly PT Flex 20 Liquid Casting Rubber.

Rubenking 4x4x4The stickering scheme of the Rubenking Cube adapted to a 4x4x4.
Rubenking CubeAn attractive sticker variation with confusing properties.
Rubik 3x3x3 SemiballPiece-exchange-variant of Rubiks Cube with a uniquely striped sphere, or at least on eighth of it.

Rubik's Cube (1570 mm)An ordinary 3x3x3 ... that received a guiness world record certificate for its size.
Rubik's Cube (2030 mm)An ordinary 3x3x3 ... designed to reclaim the inventor's world record.
Rubik's Cube badgesSix badges made by David Singmaster during the original cube craze.

Rubik's Cube for the BlindCustom made Cube for the Blind with attractive shapes.
Rubik's HűbA fully functional USB 2.0 Hub inside of a no longer function 3x3x3.
Rubik's Inspired ClockRubik's Inspired Clock

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