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Vosmerka (coloured version)A coloured version of the Hungarian Rings of soviet origin. It came in at least four different body colours.
Vosmerka (kpkhp)Another version of the puzzle. This is from the soviet union and does not use marbles.
Vosmerka (stronger plastic)Another version of the Hungarian Rings. This one has an enhanced case with more plastic.

Vosmerka (transparent version)Another soviet version of the hungarian rings. This one with transparent body but without open rim.
Vosmerka (version in plastic bag)Produced in at least two different factories with different coloured marbles.
Vosmerka (version with removable pieces)Another soviet-era version of the Hungarian Rings. This one has a partially disassemblable body.

Zanimatelnaia BashniaAnother soviet Varikon. Six columns with seven marbles each.
Zanimatelnaia ZmeikaThe soviet versions of Rubiks Snake which were named ????????????? ?????? or Zanimatelnaia Zmeika or preoccupation toy.
Zanimatelnyi KubikSliding blocks in white and another color. From the soviet union.

Zanimatelnyi Kubik (marbles)Three colours, 26 marbles. Another versions of the 3x3x3-sliding-blocks-theme.
Zanimatelnyi Kubik (marbles; bandaged)A bandaged version of Zanimatelnyi Kubik
Zanimatelnyi shar (corrugated)Another variant of Rubik's Snake from the USSR, with corrugated pieces. This came in several different colours too.

Zapolni Krug (aka Telefonchik) IIThe "Flower" with an identical mechanism but a simplitic frame. This entry is about the equally coloured variant.
Zapolni Krug (aka Telefonchik) IIIThe "Flower" with an identical mechanism but a different frame with a logo and an imprinted price.
Zmeia RubikaAnother soviet version of Rubik's Snake. This one is named after a direct translation of Rubik's Snake.

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