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Golovolomka SharA rhombicuboctahedron made in Aksai Rostov region in the 1980s.
Golovolomka-8A derivate of the Hungarian Rings from the soviet era.
Igra GolovolomkaThe soviet version of Rubiks Snake which was named ??pa ??????????? or Igra Golovolomka or Puzzle.

Igra Piramidka (Tula)These brands of soviet Pyraminxes have tiles and one with a bas-relief "stamp" stating the price of 3 roubles.
Igra Suvenir SharikiFive layers and four columns of marbles moved with the help of an additional single hole. Soviet version with a slightly different top.
Igrushka Golovolomka (Varikon)A varikon with four layers and four columns of marbles moved with a single hole steeming from the soviet union.

Kamennyi TsvetokSix intersecting circles (in steps of 120°) in a 2D-puzzle of soviet origin.
Karuselnaia MozaikaFour layers and six columns with one hole, strangely shaped tiles and another name.
Kosmicheski OrbityTwo intersecting rings of marbles but with four junctions at which the pieces can change between the rings.

KristallThe Tetraminx produced in Alma-Ata during the soviet era.
Kristall (Cheboksary)The Tetraminx produced in Cheboksary (Russia) during the soviet era.
Kristall (Ivano-Frankivsk)The Tetraminx produced in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) during the soviet era.

Kristall (for the blind)A Tetraminx for the blind produced in the former soviet union, in Rovno, Ukraine.
Kristals-MA tetraminx with soviet origin with a special spiky shape.
Kubik Golovolomka (Sverdlovsk)Another cube produced in the soviet union with different packaging.

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