Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Prism (3 layer)
Tangram Extreme CubeA Tangram Cube with additional stored cuts. A bandaged hexagonal prism in shape of a cube.
Tangram MinxA decahedral prism in shape of a dodecahedron.
Tipi 2A prism with three layers in shape of a hexagonal pyramid.

Tower 2A 2x2x3 with each corner split in two pieces.
Trapped SeedTwo shape mods of a 3-layer 6-segment Cheese implemented in one puzzle.
Triangular prismA puzzle with dihedral axis system and 5 possible twists.

Truncated Seed 3A variant of Seed 3, truncated on the tips, bringing its shape close to a triangular prism.
Twisted PentahedronA pentahedron (a triangular prism with three layers) redesigned into a screw-like shape.
Twisted-6A restricted hexagonal prism in shape of a hexahedron

Twisted-8Twisted-8 is an edge and vertex turning tetragonal trapezohedron.
Unbandaged Square-1A Square-1 which was complete unbandaged. The result is a prism with twelve segments and three layers.
Vladi's CubeA Masterball with three layers and eight segments in shape of a cube.

ZicronaminxA hexagonal prims which is three layers high and two layers thick.

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