Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Prism (3 layer)
Monkey-Cat cubeA simple hybrid combining two symmetrical cuts of corner turning hexahedron with three copter cuts.
NautilusA Nautilus remodeled after the animal that gave the original puzzle its name.
OctaBallPrismAn almost spherical octagonal prism with three layers.

OctaPrism (3 layer)An octagonal prism three layers high.
OctagramAn octagonal prism with cuts so deep that three types of pieces are present.
Penta Crazy EdgeA pentagonal prism with two layers for all six axes.

Penta NovaA deeper cut pentagonal prism with three layers.
Penta RexoidThe Pentaroid without face pieces.
PentaMixA decagonal prism bandaged and reshaped into a pentagonal one.

PentaballA pentagonal prism in shape of a sphere.
PentabarrelThree layers in a pentagonal prism with a star-like pattern.
Pentagonal prismA pentagonal prism with 7 possible twists.

PentamidA pentagonal prism shaped like its dual solid.
PentaroidA pentagonal prism shaped like its dual solid and desinged to be only a corner turning puzzle.
PentoidA deeper cut pentagonal prism with three layers.

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