Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Prism (3 layer)
Pentomino cubeA prism with two 3x3-layers and one pentagonal layer in the middle.
Pripe Dragon 3 CubeA pentagonal prism with three layers transformed into a cube.
Pripe Dragón S ilusiónA pentagonal prism with three layers, bumped and redesigned into a sphere.

Prisma Pentagonal 3x3x3 Tipo Dragon (Pripe Dragon 3)A 3x3x3 in shape of a pentagonal prism. With skewed axis system.
Prisminx CrystalA 3 layered deepcut pentagonal prism which top and bottom faces look like the Pyraminx Crystal its name was taken from.
PrizmixThe Slim Pyraminx transformed to have three layers.

Pyraminx Magic Barrel (Junior)A reduced cylindrical triangular prism. It was realized 41 years after its announcement.
Pyraminx Magic Barrel (Senior)A reduced cylindrical triangular prism. It was realized 26 years after its announcement.
Rainbow NautilusA dihedral puzzle with fascinating shape, colours and a strange arrangement of cuts.

Seed 33 layer cheese in the shape of the Seed.
Shallow Octagonal PrismA shallower cut Octaprism. The different cutting depth unveils the faces and edge pieces.
Squared Square-1A Square-1 with a 1x2x2 in the middle layer instead of a 1x1x2.

Standard 3-Layers Pentahedron Puzzle A derivative of the Triangular Prism with three layers.
Sun CuboidAn octagonal prism with three layers.
Tangram CubeA triangular prism transformed into a cube but with six identically looking sides.

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