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A Horror Cube with six polygons used for the monochrome based-on-stickers solution.

The 2D3Deelite is a sticker mod for a commercially available 3x3x3 Mirror Blocks puzzle, aka Bump Cube. As with other Horror puzzles it has two solutions: in one the puzzle is solved by shape, in the other a scrambled puzzle is stickered so that each surface shows one 2D polygon that is only clear when viewed head-on due to the varying depths of the puzzle pieces.
The inventor chose six polygons for the face polygons: Isoceles Trapesium, Rhomboid, Diamond, Square, Pentagon, Hexagon. See images 5-10.

Some some of these polygons share some line segments including 11 straight lines and 3 forward-slashes. Some have similar but not shared line segments, 4x 90-degree V-lines, 1x 108-degree V-line, and 2x 120-degree V-lines. The 90-degree and 108-degree V-lines are easily confused on the pentagon face until the other pieces are in place. The tiny triangles on the diamond and pentagon faces are the easiest to confuse, but there are limits to the overall size of the polygons on each face due to the bumped nature of the base puzzle. Only one edge piece has straight lines on both faces.
None of the centres are relevant at present, so it would work on a bumped Void cube, but to help the solver understand the second solution, the inventor added stickers to the centres (see images 1 and 2).

A 2D-shape solution on a Mirror Blocks has already been seen on the "3 Solution Mirror Blocks" but on this "2D3Deelite" puzzle the black of the faces and of the sides of each cubie make the matt gold lines seem to hover in space until they are aligned and viewed from the right direction. The inventor had to close one eye to eliminate the parallax. See images 3-4.



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: Mark Lodge.


This puzzle can be found in collections of these members:

Markube: Mark's Kubes

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