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Crazy 44x55x55 barrel
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A cylindrical puzzle combinig concept like the Slim Cube, half proportional cubes and more.

After it was revealed that a crazy 2x2x2 is a fused cube which just looks "cleverly weird", this all started.
This type of crazy puzzles shows the hidden layer pieces. Since the alignment mechanism requires some pieces to be glued, the bandaging is what makes it a challenge while solving. A 2x2x2 with all edges coloured inside solves like a fused cube. The crazy 2x2x2 is the same puzzle. Ilya Toporgilka could just colour all the edges internally on a 2x2x2 and draw the circles however he decided to see how large this crazy puzzle can be made. The most important criteria was to invent such a puzzle which combines/contains the majority of the other puzzles.
Although this is not the largest possible number, Ilya Toporgilka chose it so that the puzzle can be gripped. Otherwise the physical size would be much more enormous. The next crazy barrel would require a 4x5x5 cuboid where each cubie has a size of at least 35mm where all turns conserve.
The fact that this crazy type only requires the hidden layer parts to be visible, this is what makes it so much easier to design and expand unlike the "real" crazy type which shows the theoretical inside puzzles.
After 2 weeks of thinking Ilya Toporgilka figured that the best is to glue the extensions on a half proportional 3x3x5 and transform it into a cylindrical shape.

This puzzle's closest relatives are:
- Slim cube
- Half proportional 3x3x5
- Overlapping 4x5x5
- Shapeshifting 5x5x5 I
- Non-bandageble split 3x3x4

The shape is a circle comprised of 5x5 pieces where each side is a square unlike the barreled 3x3x3s or 4x4x4s. In order to be made without curved lines this type of barrel deletes and bandages all layers into solid NxN squares. It means that the cubic versions of such barrel sizes cannot be built that easily.
The next step was to count how much layers are allowed. The answer was 11 for the puzzle. It cannot be 9 or 12 or anything else.
The crazy 44x55x55 BARREL by Ilya Toporgilka looks and functions the same but everything takes a different place. On a crazy 2x2x2 two opposite triangles show the internal edge hidden inside. This edge only has two visible ends on a circle. The circles themselves are "active" which is the only thing that shows the colours inside. There isn't any inside layer itself being visible.
And on a puzzle by Ilya Toporgilka it is the opposite. It functions exactly the same but everything is located at the different places. On a crazy 2x3x3 and 2x2x2 the hidden layer is located on the circles. On Ilya Toporgilka's the middle layer is outside with the other barreled pieces. The circles themselves are just drawn because the middle layer being visible already indicates what is going on with the inside. And Ilya Toporgilka put stripy stickers (halves) to show it has 4 layers and 5 at the same time. All of this looks exactly as it were on these crazy puzzles with previous locations. This, in fact, also allowed to combine here the overlapping, slim, shapeshifting and split things. Because of the internal layer alignment one corner is glued to one of the middle layer edges, the solving is the same and it provides the same challenge which was presented on crazy 2x3x3 and crazy 2x2x2.
Next thing was to draw a circle. After some thinking Ilya Toporgilka realised that on his crazy puzzle the internal ring is the one which shows the internal layer. For this reason the top and bottom layers do not have split stickers. The only correct size for this circle is the one which is on a crazy 2x3x3.
Size: 76 x 95 x 95 mm



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