Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Babyface PlusBasically a 5x5x5 without corners, edges and wings. The outer layers can move independently.
Bandaged 5x5x5 (2x3x4)A 5x5x5 with a straightforward bandaging pattern which makes the cube not behaving bandaged.
Bandaged 5x5x5 Haft-AurumQ IA 5x5x5 bandaged with an irregular pattern.

Bandaged Inside 5x5x5A 5x5x5 where corners are bandaged to the inner edges.
Bandaged UA 5x5x5 with a straightforward bandaging pattern which makes the cube not behaving bandaged.
Barrel 16A cylindrical 5x5x5 with a sticker scheme based on numbers.

BiN-5 Pocket CubeA modified version of the BiNCube 5, designed to be more difficult.
BiNCube 5The concept of the Bicube adapted to a 5x5x5
BiNCube 5 AdvancedA modified version of the Bicube adapted to a 5x5x5.

Big Block 5x5x5A 5x5x5 with one big block of size 2x2x5. It is equivalent to the older Siamese 20 (2x2x5).
Big Block 5x5x5 IIThe "Fused 5x5x5 Cube" reimplemented as a bandaged cube.
Big Block 5x5x5 IIIA 5x5x5 bandaged with block of size 2x3x5.

Bihedron 5x5x5A 5x5x5 that was bandaged and truncated so that only 4 turns remain.
Block 144A 5x5x5 bandaged with one single block sized 1x4x4.
Block 224A 5x5x5 bandaged with one single block sized 2x2x4.

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