Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Triakis Tetrahedron 5x5x5A 5x5x5 in shape of the namegiving solids, a catalan solid.
Triamese 5x5x5Three 5x5x5 cubes sharing 20 cubies with their neighbor.
Triamese 5x5x5 135Three 5x5x5s fused into a single puzzle. In this case the joint block has a size of 1x3x5.

Tripteon 5x5x5A 5x5x5 in a shape of a compound of three tetrahedra.
Tropical beltsSimple looking but tough in solution 4-colour sticker modification of a 5x5x5.
Truncated UltramorphixA 5x5x5 version of the more common 3x3x3 modification, the mastermorphix.

Trycylinder 5x5x5Three cylinders joined in one solid.
Twindrops 5x5x5A 5x5x5 truncated into a shape which looks like as if one fused two drops.
Ultimate, Rubik's Wahn, Master RevengeInvented by Udo Krell. Produced in Hong Kong.

UltraMorph EggA 5x5x5 transformed into an egg oriented from corner to corner.
UltramorphixA 5x5x5 modified into a truly tetrahedral shape.
UltraxisAn axises 5x5x5.

V-Cube 5Five layered cube
V-Cube 5 MechanismDissection of the V-Cube 5.
Virus CubeA 5x5x5 in a shape which mixes a sphere and a tetrahedron.

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