Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Nano 5x5x5 (25 mm)The smallest 5x5x5 to date, smaller by 28% compared with the precursor.
Not BandagedA subset of the 5x5x5 that looks bandaged but is still doctrinaire.
Not bandaged 2A simplified version of "Not bandaged" with one additional turnable side.

One or TwoA 5x5x5 bandaged on all eight corners and on eight edges.
Peek CubeA 5x5x5 with internal 3x3x3 exposed and with proportional pieces.
Pillowed 5x5x5An Eastsheen 5x5x5 with extensions to change its shape into a pillowed hexahedron.

Pineapple Cube (5x5x5)A byproduct that was born from the mass produced version of the "Ball in a cube".
Pioneer 11 A hexagonal dipyramid 5x5x5 truncated on both tips.
Pocket ChangeAn Eastsheen 5x5x5 bandaged and stickered to make it look like a Pocket Cube.

Pocket ChangedA Pocket change cube bandaged to resemble an AI Cube.
Pokeball 5x5x5A spherical 5x5x5 painted to resemble the namegiving ball from the Pokemon franchise.
Prof. Cube 2018Another 5x5x5 produced without stickers but a black rim.

Professor Axis CubeAn "axised" Eastsheen 5x5x5.
Professor BiCubeSimilar bandaging as the BiCube applied to a 5x5x5.
Professor BiconeA bicone made from a 5x5x5.

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