Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

3x4x5 Floppy I-cube ExtremeA bandaged 5x5x5 with three layers removed on two sides.
3x4x5 i-CubeA 5x5x5 bandaged and truncated into something akin a 3x4x5.
3x5x5 (bandaged 5x5x5)5x5x5 with two cuts completely "deleted" by bandaging.

3x5x5 (long cuboid)A 5x5x5 bandaged and extended into a square cuboid with the main axis oriented differently.
3x5x5 BarrelA 5x5x5 bandaged into a 3x5x5 and truncated into a cylindrical shape.
3x5x5 Edge Breaker Christmas Cube-OctahedronA bandaged truncated cube covered with christmas motifs.

3x5x5 TabletThis is 5x5x5 reduced by two layers and afterwards transformed into the shape of a cylinder.
3x5x5 Tetra-DiamondA 5x5x5 bandaged and truncated into a solid with fourteen sides.
4+2 eccentric cubePretends to be a cuboidal 3x3x3 but works like a bandaged 5x5x5.

4x4x5 (bandaged 5x5x5)5x5x5 with two cuts completely "deleted" by bandaging.
4x5x5 (bandaged 5x5x5)5x5x5 with one cut completely "deleted" by bandaging.
4x5x5 CamouflageThis 5x5x5 has resin dice glued on multiple sides to make it look like a 4x5x5.

5x5x5 2 Solutions Mirror BlocksA sticker variant of a 5x5x5 Mirror Block puzzle which leads into a puzzle with two solutions.
5x5x5 AbanderadoBy exchanging pieces from 4 corners, and from 18 central edges of the same cube, this pattern of flags with 5 stripes is achieved.
5x5x5 AntiprismA 5x5x5 in shape of a triangular antiprism aka octahedron.

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