Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Crazy 4x5x5A 4x5x5 cuboid with internal hidden pieces exposed.
Crazy Yileng 5x5x5A Fisher 5x5x5 with a tilted axis.
Cubosfera 5x5x5A 5x5x5 combined with the sphere of the same mechanism. With three straight sides.

Darwin CubeThe concept of the Pocket Cube implemented with a 5x5x5.
Dia CubeA bandaged 5x5x5 inspired by the "Burr Cube".
DoDep 1x3x3A 5x5x5 bandaged to be restricted to a puzzle similar to a 1x3x3.

Dode-Ghost 5x5x5A Ghost 5x5x5 in shape of a dodecahedron.
Dodecahedral Simulation 5x5x5 CubeThis sticker variant of the 5x5x5 simulates a rhombic dodecahedron.
Dual Arrow 5x5x5A 5x5x5 with equally coloured triangles on every sticker.

Dual Fisher 5x5x5 CubeThe concept of the Slice Cube applied to a 5x5x5.
Edges Only 5x5x5A 5x5x5 which corner- and wing-pieces are hidden under extended edges.
Eight Color 5x5x5The concept of the eight color cube applied to a 5x5x5.

Elliptical Cross OctahedronA very clever subset of the 5x5x5.
Elvi-bandaged 5x5x5A 5x5x5 bandaged with 19 bonds, one for every corner and 11 for all except one edges.
Enclosed cube 5x5x5The concept of the Enclosed Cube applied to a 5x5x5.

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