Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Four-Colour ArrowminxA megaminx customly painted with four colours and two black lines per side.
Fully Twisted MegaminxFully Twisted Megaminx with 72º turns
Ghost HexaminxA megaminx put in midturn and reshaped into a cube.

Ghost MegaminxThe dodecahedral brother of the Ghost Cube. Made from a megaminx.
Ghost Megaminx BiconeA ghosted variant of the megaminx in shape of a bicone.
GloballReminds one of the Alexander's Star but it behaves like an inverted faceless megaminx

Half HexaminxThe concepts of the Halfminx and the Hexaminx in one puzzle.
Half Lemonminx PuckA Halfminx (three sides of a megaminx) bumped and transformed into a cylinder.
Half-and-a-Quarter-MinxHalfminx and Quarterminx implemented on a single bandaged megaminx.

HalfminxA bandaged and heavily truncated megaminx. This one has three twistable faces.
HeptaminxA megaminx in shape of a pentagonal prism. Showing pentagrams on the top and bottom sides.
HexMinx-PrismA megaminx in shape of a hexagonal prism.

HexaballminxThe a megaminx transformed into the same shape of a hexaball.
HexabarrelA Hexaminx redesigned to have a cylindrical shape.
Hexagonal Antiprism MegaminxA Megaminx (better: a hexaminx) transformed into the shape of the namegiving solid.

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