Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Tencylinder Megaminx V5Ten cylinders joined in one solid by extensions.
Tencylinder Megaminx V6Ten cylinders joined in one solid by extensions and truncations.
Tencylinder Megaminx V7Ten cylinders joined in one solid by extensions.

Tencylinder Megaminx V8Ten cylinders joined in one solid by extensions.
Tencylinder Megaminx V9Ten cylinders joined in one solid by extensions.
Tetrakis HexaminxA megaminx in shape of a tetrakis hexahedron which is a catalan solid. The puzzle was designed from scratch.

The Brave and the Bold #28A megaminx hand painted after the issue of the DC comic that showed the birth of the justice league.
Tired MinxA megaminx modified to resemble a tire.
Trapped MegaminxA megaminx placed in an icosahedral cage.

Triakis TetraminxTriakis Tetraminx is a shape variant of a megaminx into a triakis tetrahedron which is a catalan solid.
TrimegaA megaminx transformed into the shape of a Reuleaux triangular prism.
Trippy MinxA Megaminx stickered to have three different solutions. A really trippe experience.

TriserpentixA megaminx with eight rounded sides.
Truncated DodecahedronA megaminx truncated into the shape of a truncated dodecahedron, an archimedean solid.
Truncated Icosahedron MegaminxA megaminx truncated into the name giving shape.

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