Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Sayayin capsuleA spherical megaminx resembling a the namegiving capsule from a famous anime franchise.
Siamese Megaminx BallsTwo Megaminx Balls fused into a single puzzle.
Siamese Pillowed HexaminxesTwo Hexaminxes fused into a siamese puzzle.

Sixcylinder MegaminxA curved version of the deltoidal hexecontahedron outside of a megaminx.
Sixcylinder Megaminx V2Six cylinders joined in one solid. This time by extensions not truncations.
Sixcylinder Megaminx V3Six cylinders joined in one solid. This time by extensions not truncations but with a different orientation.

Sixcylinder Megaminx V4Six cylinders joined in one solid. Oriented in another different way.
Sixcylinder Megaminx V5Six cylinders joined in one solid. Oriented in another different way.
Small stellated dodecahedron (megaminx)A megaminx in shape of the name giving solid which is one of the Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra.

Snub DodecahedronA megaminx in shape of the Snub dodecahedron which is an archimedean solid.
SnubinxA megaminx in shape of a snub cube which is an archimedean solid. This puzzles was designed from scratch.
Solar System - SunA megaminx sphere painted like the sun

Special HexaminxThis one can be viewed as a Junior Truncated Dogic transformed into the shape of a hexahedron.
SpheramoidA megaminx bandaged like the megamoid, shaped like a sphere and customly painted.
Spiral MegaminxSticker mod for Megaminx what visualize the orientation of the center pieces (Super cube)

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