Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Megaminx Esférico HollowA Megaminx shaped like a sphere, achieved by cage-like extensions.
Megaminx Fisher CurvyA Megaminx turned by 36° inside the solid.
Megaminx GyroidA megaminx covered with Gyroid pieces.

Megaminx Icosaedro Ghost CurvyA megaminx turned into an icosahedron with ghost cuts
Megaminx Icosahedron InwardA megaminx in shape of an icosahedron with faces forced inward to create a star-like shape.
Megaminx InwardA megaminx with faces forced inward to create a star-like shape.

Megaminx MirrorA megaminx transformed into a bump variant
Megaminx Mirror HorrorA Megaminx modified like the Horror Cube. It has two solutions.

Megaminx OctaedroA megaminx transformed into the shape of an octahedron
Megaminx PenroseA Megaminx transformed like the concept of the Penrose cube.
Megaminx Pentagonal AntiprismA megaminx truncated into the namegiving shape.

Megaminx Rub�Megaminx transformed into the shape of a diamond, an eleven sided solid.
Megaminx Shield Ghost A megaminx shaped like a hexagonal prism, combined with the concept of the Ghost Cube.
Megaminx SlippedA puzzle halfway between the Axis Megaminx and the Ghost Megaminx.

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