Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Face turning icosahedron (axis system)
Radio Nebula (Radiolarian 12)The 12th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.
Radio ShockThe pieces of radiolarians 3-8 in shape of a dodecahedron.
Radio Star (Radiolarian 11)The 11th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.

RadioWeb (Radiolarian 6)The 6th entry in the series of Radiolarians, all face turning icosahedrons.
Radiolarian 5+The Radiolarian 5 unbandaged by one step.
Radiolarian IThe first face turning icosahedron.

Radiolarian IIIA deeper cut cousin of Radiolarian II. Its deeper cuts make the centers visible.
Rex DodecahedronThe second mass produced corner turning dodecahedron.
Ripple DodecahedronA Rex Dodecahedron with an additional set of shallow cuts on the same axis system.

Ripple Dodecahedron PlusA Rex Dodecahedron with an additional set of shallow cuts on the same axis system. Unlike the non-plus version it has two additional types of pieces.
SkiamondA corner turning dodecahedron (or face turning icosahedron) transformed into the shape of a rhombic triacontahedron.
Star ScepterThe Radiolarian 3 transformed into a Rhombic Dodecahedron.

Starminx IIIThe fourth of four puzzles which look like the Starminx. This time it is the deeper cut corner turning dodecehadron.
Sunflower DodecahedronA corner turning dodecahedron somewhere between Pentagram and Radio Jewel.
TetradiolarianThe Radiolarian 3 in shape of a tetrahedron.

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