Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Wooden Magic cubeA 3x3x3 fully made of wood.
Wormhole V2 BarrelWormhole II transformed into the shape of a cylinder.
XO CubeA Dino Cube with a cage as visible core.

YPanexA simplified symmetric version of Panex
Yummy Double Heart Chocolate CakeA 3x3x3 UV printed with images of the namegiving fast food.
Yummy Strawberry Sundae Ice-creamA 3x3x3 UV printed with images of the namegiving fast food.

Zip DiscA pentagonal domino shaped like an ellipsoid.
Zock AxisThe Zock Cube "axised", meaning it was twisted by 60° inside its solid around a corner.

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