Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Other N-Sided: Four
TetratimeA Wheel of Time transformed in the shape of a Reuleaux Tetrahedron.
TetraxisA Toru in shape of a tetrahedron.
Think Puzzles PyraminxA Pyramorphix which package does not mention this name. A high quality 2x2x2 production by Mefferts.

Time wheel tetrahedronA Wheel of Time transformed into the shape of an Reuleaux Tetrahedron.
Toblerone PyraminxOne of the very few Pyraminxes with advertisement.
Trapentrix EssenceA doctrinaire puzzle with two axes with 3-fold rotation and pentagonal pieces, with deeper-than-origin cuts.

Trefoil TetrahedronA tetrahedron combining the cuts of a Pyraminx with a Pyramorphix.
Triangle EqyptA fishered variant of the Halpern-Meier-Tetrahedron
TriangularityA face- corner- and edge turning tetrahedron with a super sticker scheme.

TriangulumA Starminx in shape of a tetrahedron. It was designed from scratch.
TribulusMorphixA puzzle in shape of the Tribulus but made from a Mastermorphix aka 3x3x3.
Triforce JumbleA custom painted variant of the Curvy Hexagram.

Twisty PebbleThe third bumped Pyraminx, being even bumpier.
UltraGigaMorphixA Gigaminx in the shape of Reuleaux tetrahedron
UltramorphixA 5x5x5 modified into a truly tetrahedral shape.

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