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Six-Sided: Cuboid
Proportional 2 layer professor mental flopA shape mod of a 2x3x3 cuboid. The fifth mental flop.
Proportional 2x4x4 (bandaged 4x4x4)A 4x4x4 bandaged and customly extended with cubies of size 33 mm. It moves differently than it seems at first glance.
Proportional 2x6x6 with wrinklesA 2x6x6 with cracks. It looks like a split proportional one, but some of those lines are fake and are hiding the wider edges.

Proportional mirror 3x3x5 cuboidA bumped 3x3x5 with proportional pieces in the middle layers.
Proxy Cube (Earth)An MF8 Crazy 3x3x3 modified and extended on 4 sides, with 3 edges truncated.
Pseudo 2x2x3Looks like 2x2x3 but is a 2x2x2 with one crazy layer added.

Psycho CubePieces were exchanged between a Crazy 2x3x3 and its fishered cousin.
Puck IsisA puck with eight segments in shape of a square cuboid but bumped.
Quartered Edges 2x3x3A 2x3x3 with edges cut into quarters. Could be viewed as a bandaged 6x6x6.

QuartetA four-sided puzzle comparable to the Grimace.
Rail-less 8 segment cheeseA rail-less one-layered Masterball in shape of a cuboid.
Rex 2x3x3A 2x3x3 with the top and bottom faces remodelling the Rex Cube.

Rex-Windmilled Square-0A puzzle topologically identical to the "Compass Sierra Nevada", with a cuboid shape.
Rubik's 4x3 CubeThe Rubik's 4x3 Cube® is the incredibly addictive cousin of the Rubik's 5x3 Cube®. From the Duane Cash Cube Collection. The first extended 3x3x4.
Rubik's 5x3 CubeThe Rubik's 5x3 Cube� is 5x3x3 six-sided puzzle that is hand-assembled and solidly constructed. From the Duane Cash Cube Collection.

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