Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Hazard HexA Curvy Copter II modified into the shape of a hexagonal prism with hidden rhombic pieces.
Heart 2x3x3A 2x3x3 in shape of a heart.
HectominxA puzzle that looks like the Magic Dodecahedron 4x4x4 ever should have been like.

HelichopA Helicopter Cube cut in half.
Helicopter BarrelA helicopter cube truncated into the shape of a cylinder.
Helicopter Barrel (pointed)A Helicopter Cube truncated into a cylinder except for the four tips.

Helicopter Cube (aka Bevel Cube)The first edge turning hexahedron, now a classic puzzle.
Helicopter PyramidA Helicopter Cube heavily truncated and slightly extended into the shape of a triangular pyramid.
Helicopter TwistA Helicopter Cube cut down into a spiral like shape resembling the Twist Cubes.

Helicopter tetrahedronA Helicopter Cube truncated on four corners into a rounded tetrahedron like shape.
HelicoptrahedronThe first shape transformation of a Curvy Copter and the second tetrahedron with this axis system.
HelicosahedronA Helicopter Cube truncated into the shape of an icosahedron.

HelipadA Helicopter dodecahedron more than cut in half. 5 out of 30 axes remain.
Hellraiser 2x2x2 tetrahedronA 2x2x2 with lavish custom made art on every side.
Heptagonal Pyramid SkewbA skewb in shape of a pyramid with heptagonal base.

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