Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Reiden Chea
6x7x8A truncated 8x8x8 with 3D printed extensions.
6x8x8 (extended)A bandaged 8x8x8 with 3D printed extensions.
7x7x11An 11x11x11 bandaged and extended into a cuboid.

7x7x9 (extended)A bandaged 9x9x9 with 3D printed extensions.
7x8x9A truncated 9x9x9 with 3D printed extensions bandaged into a 7x8x9.
8x10x12A bandaged 12x12x12 with 3D printed extensions.

8x8x10A bandaged 10x10x10 with 3D printed extensions.
8x9x10A truncated 10x10x10 with 3D printed extensions bandaging it into an 8x9x10.
9x11x11A bandaged 11x11x11 with 3D printed extensions.

9x11x13A bandaged 13x13x13 with 3D printed extensions.
9x9x11A 11x11x11 bandaged and extended into a cuboid.
Ghost Brick 3x4x5A truncated 5x5x5 with 3D printed extensions. A true brick cuboid.

I-Cube Bumpoid 2x3x3 (Extended)A 3x3x3 Bump Cube with the top two layers glued, and 3D printed extensions added to the sides.
I-Cube Bumpoid 4x5x5A 5x5x5 cube "bumped," the top two layers glued, then 3D printed extensions added to the sides.
PeckyA twisty puzzle version of Amazon's HR mascot, Pecky.

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