Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Naked MasterballA custom painted Masterball with some tiles removed.
Naked MasterballA custom painted Masterball with some tiles removed.
Ring Masterball (Black on White)A Masterball variant that has one black layer and three white layers.

Ring Masterball (Red on Black)A Masterball variant that has one red layer and three black layers.
Ring Masterball (Red on White)A Masterball variant that has one red layer and three white layers.
Silver Triangles MasterballBesides the obvious aesthetic value, the eight silver triangles differentiate the pieces on the top and bottom halves of the Duo.

Silver USA MasterballThis USA Masterball variation has two white columns and two silver columns.
Snow Cap MasterballA Masterball variant that's impossible to mix up.
Star Cap MasterballBoth center layers on this USA Masterball variation are all white.

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