Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Silvestre Cruz Quiroz
Fisher 4x4x4 PenroseA Fisher 4x4x4 truncated into the shape of a Penrose Cube.
Fisher DodecahedronA dodecahedral 3x3x3 but fishered.
Imperial AxisA Rex Cube truncated on two opposing corners.

Imperial DinoA Dino Cube truncated on two opposing corners.
Laberinto 2x4x4A white 2x4x4 with a hamilton path, a line meeting every piece once.
Megaminx barrel biconoA megainx in shape between a cylinder and a bicone.

MeteorA variant of Lorente's Sphere with elevated corner pieces.
Mini Time Machine BarrelA Mini Time Machine transformed into a cylindrical shape.
Mirror 3x3x7 (non cubic)The bumped variant of the 3x3x7

Octagonal 2x4x4A 2x4x4 in shape of an octagonal transformation.
Pepinillo rickA 1x2x3 designed after a character from the series Rick and Morty.
Plush 3x3x3A 3x3x3 covered not with stickers but with plush.

Pocket Cube (hexagonal)The Corner Pocket transformed into the shape of a hexagonal prism.
Pétalo 2x4x4 mirrorA 2x4x4 transformed into the shape of a circled cube but shifted
Redi statA Redi Cube truncated into an inverted cube.

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