Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Eight-Sided: Other
Ghost Floppy FlipA ghost 3x3x3 modified into the shape of a triangular antiprism.
Giant TetraminxA Tetraminx made to be the largest full functional Tetraminx ever made.
GyrobifastigiumA puzzle specifically designed to explore the realm of the rarely used Johnson solids. Named after the puzzle's shape.

Heptagonal Pyramid SkewbA skewb in shape of a pyramid with heptagonal base.
Hexagonal Prism (3x3x3)A 3x3x3 in shape of a hexagonal prism.
House Cube (Octagonal Edges Extended 294)A cross between an Octagonal Prism and a Cube. A 3x3x3 truncated on 2 edges. The result has a shape resembling a house.

Imperial AxisA Rex Cube truncated on two opposing corners.
Imperial DinoA Dino Cube truncated on two opposing corners.
Incomplete antiprism (Sharp Edges 201080420100)A 3x3x3 truncated on six edges and extended on remaining sides eventually resembling an antiprism.

Jewel TrapA corner turning tetragonal trapezohedron. A jumbling only puzzle.
Jumble TrapThe non-pillowed version of the face turning tetragonal trapezohedron. A jumbling-only puzzle.
Jumble Trap UnbandagedA face turning tetragonal trapezohedron with additional stored cuts.

Kev's Truncated Triangular PrismA 3x3x3 in shape of an incomplete triangular prism.
Kilominx Shield GhostA Kilominx shaped like a hexagonal prism with ghost cuts.
Kite TrapA shape transformation of the Astroid Attack which transformes it into a true tetragonal trapezohedron.

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