Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

NxNxN: 3x3x3
Titanium 3x3x3A fully handmade 3x3x3. All pieces are made from solid Titanium!
Touch Sensitive CubeAnother 3x3x3 for the blind with a suitcase as package.
Tower rubik mixInspired by "3x3x3 LLs2F L2LsFs" the builder decided to combine the concept of bridges with the windmill cube and the Fisher cube.

Toys Tiled CubeThis plain tiled cube suffers from the same lack of quality common to all the "Toys" cubes.
Transformers - Revenge of the fallenMerchandise cube for the 2009 movie.
Transparent CubeA fully transparent cube.

TriCubeA sticker variation of a Dayan Guhong (where the pieces itself are coloured) which results in a puzzle with three solutions.
TriZebron CubeA cube with white and grey triangles laid out in diagonal stripes around the puzzle.

Triangle CubeA custom sticker variation of the 3x3x3.
Triangle Cube IIA 3x3x3 covered with colourful triangles.
Trident CubeA 3x3x3 stickered to show tesselating tridents on four faces.

Trihook CubeFour hooks intertwined in a very complex pattern.
Trinity CubeA Bump Cube with three different solutions.
Triple Bandaged 3x3x3A 3x3x3 bandaged with three 1x2x2-blocks, placed parallely to each other.

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