Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

NxNxN: 3x3x3
Smiley CubeA heavily disguised triamese cube implemented from scratch with a mechanism similar to the void cube.
Soviet 3x3x3 (Omsk)A 3x3x3 with tiles produced in Omsk.
Soviet 3x3x3 (Riga)A 3x3x3 of soviet origin with unusual spiky tiles.

Soviet 3x3x3 (Stavropol)Another 3x3x3 of soviet origin with stickers and a transparent cylindrical dome package.
Soviet four colour cubeA 3x3x3 stickered with tiles to have four colours. Steams from the former soviet union.
Space CubeA factory-made cornerless cube from Japan.

Space Cube (KMY)A 3x3x3 from the cube craze produced for the japanese market. It has an unprecedented case in shape of a dodecagonal (12-sided) prism.
Sparkling CubeA 3x3x3 covered with 6 different types of Swarovski crystals.
Special 2x2x2One of the most trivial bandaged cubes.

Special Retro 50th Anniversary EditionA cube celebrating the 50th anniversary of Rubik's Cube's invention. In a retro package resembling the cube craze.
Spiral Cube (bandaged)A 3x3x3 bandged to resemble a spiral on one corner.
Spiral Surface 3x3x3A 3x3x3 related to the "Ball Sudoku Cube" from Mefferts

Splitted Color Cube3x3x3 with two colours on each face
Square share cubeA 3x3x3 sticker mod in which the faces share similar edges and corners with the other faces.
Stack CubeA sticker variant of the 3x3x3 resembling a stack of Jenga bricks.

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