Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

NxNxN: 3x3x3
Giant Magic CubeThis cube stands almost a full 90 mm.
Gift Cube (aka Treasure Chest)A cube which is hollow and can be opened when solved.
Glitter Cube KeychainCovered with six differently coloured glittering stickers.

Glitter Magic CubeAll stickers are reflective with a glitter like surface.
Glitter Magic Cube Key ChainThis low quality key chain sized cube has glittering stickers.
Glow CubeA 3x3x3 that can only be solved in the dark.

Glow in the dark 3x3x3A mass produced cube made from plastic with the addition of phosphorus. It glows green or blue in the dark.
GoCubeBluetooth enabled 3x3x3 twisty puzzle which enables a more interactive play.
Gonging manDepicting a man hitting a gong, in six colours.

Good Neighbours CubeA 3x3x3 with constrained movements. No two lids are allowed in the same edge.
Googol (348 mm)Another world record for the largest mass produced 3x3x3.
Graphisoft CubeA promotional cube similar to "Rubik's 4th Dimension".

Great EscapeA new bandaging concept consisting of extended corners and truncated edges.
Grey CubeThis standard-sized cube is made from grey plastic instead of black and has pastel coloured stickers.
Grey Key Chain CubeThis standard Key Chain sized cube is made out of grey plastic.

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