Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

2X2X2X2A Junior Bump Cube (aka Mirror 2x2x2) with transparent extensions. There are two solved states.
2x2x10A straightforwardly designed cuboid of ridiculous dimensions.
2x2x12A straightforwardly designed cuboid of ridiculous dimensions.

2x2x2 Anti CubeA 2x2x2 with one inverted corner.
2x2x2 Ball in a CubeA puzzle which looks like the "Ball in a cube" with one dimension smaller.
2x2x2 ChainThree 2x2x2s connected but long bars which create external bandaging for the middle puzzle.

2x2x2 Church CubeA 2x2x2 shaped to resemble a church with modern architecture.
2x2x2 Cube for the BlindThis version for the blind was created by adding tacks of different sizes.
2x2x2 Diametric HexahedronAn asymmetric trigonal dipyramid with a 2x2x2 as the core.

2x2x2 DominoA 2x3x3 modified to look like a 2x2x2. It allows 90�-moves only on one of the axes, like the original puzzle it was made from.
2x2x2 Emoji BallA 2x2x2 resembling an Emoji.
2x2x2 Evil Calabaza CuadradaA 2x2x2 transformed into a halloween pumpkin with dark colors.

2x2x2 Football Rubik's CubeA 2x2x2 that can be used as a (flawed) football.
2x2x2 Glacier Blue Mirror OctagonalA "bump"ed cousin of the Barber's Pole.
2x2x2 Green MushroomA simple cube for all lovers of the video game "Mario Bros".

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