Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Unnamed octahedral midturn 2x2x2A 2x2x2 in shape of an octahedron. It is solved in a midturn state and has fancy stickers but no known name.
UnscrambledA CAD-created puck with 22 segments bandaged into 11.
UzoryA variant of the famous "15" puzzle which allows endless beautiful patterns.

V-CubeA Ufo transformed in hexahedral shape.
V-DomeA 6x6x6 with some pieces removed to reveal some previously hidden pieces.
V-Dome 4x4x4A 4x4x4 with some pieces removed to reveal some previously hidden pieces.

V-skewb-XA Skewb Kite truncated into the shape of a Rhombicuboctahedron.
V7 TetrahedronThe tetrahedral variant of the 7x7x7.
VET OctahedronAn octahedron which combines vertex-turning and edge turning moves. This explains the acronym in the puzzles name.

Varikon 4x16Four transparent mini 4x4-whip-it's fused to create an impressivly long puzzle.
Varikon Junior (2 layers)The varikon puzzles customly shortened to 2 layers. It has five columns.
Vasarely cube A Ghost cube designed to be an optical illusion.

Vergo's CubeA 2x2x2 combined with a moving-marbles-puzzle.
Vertex turning Square AntiprismAnother geometry-defying design which allows only jumbling turns.
Vertigo 3x3x3A half truncated cube where the fourth cut was made as deep as in the Mystruncated cube.

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