Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Square share cubeA 3x3x3 sticker mod in which the faces share similar edges and corners with the other faces.
Square-1 1/2A Square-1 with the smaller pieces split in halves.
Square-1 CakeA handbuilt puzzle shaped like stacked cylinders. Its building required several techniques.

Square-1 CrushedA Square-1 after one turn and then transformed into a shape as if it was squeezed.
Square-1 FloppyA stickerless truncated into a flat cuboid.
Square-1 Ghost bipyramidA Square-1 "ghosted" and transformed into the shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.

Square-1 Lateral BarrelA Square-1 in shape of a cylinder with an unusual oriented axis system.
Square-1 MinxA puzzle similar to Square-1 but with 10 identically wide segments.
Square-1 PG (parallelogram)A Square-1 with the shape of a prism and a parallelogram as its base.

Square-1 XPA hybrid of a Square-1 and a 2x2x2.
Square-1 Youtube Play ButtonThis Play Button was made by 3d printing extensions and gluing them to a Square-1.
Square-1 mirror ballA Square-1 bumped and in shape of a sphere.

Square-1-IIA two-layer custom modification of the Square-1
Square-1.5A different square (2+1)/2 = 1.5
Unlike the Square-1 1/2 four of the broader pieces were split.
Square-1.75A square puzzle looks like a square-2, but with one quarter of the square-1.
(2+2+2+1)/4 = 1.75.

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