Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Mirror 2x2x2 TwistA Bump 2x2x2 combined with the Twist Cubies
Mirror 2x2x3 Floppy I-cubeA 3x3x3 bandaged in two dimensions a successively bumped.
Mirror 2x2x4 Ai cubeA bumped 4x4x4 bandaged like a 2x2x4.

Mirror 2x7x9A cuboid of very odd order.
Mirror 3x3x3 PyramidA 3x3x3 transformed into the shape of a square pyramid.
Mirror 3x3x4 BarrelA bumped version of a 3x3x4 in shape of a cylinder.

Mirror 3x3x7A bumped cousin of the 3x3x7 with some additional turns.
Mirror 3x3x7 (non cubic)The bumped variant of the 3x3x7
Mirror 4x4x4 gemA Mirror (aka: Bump) 4x4x4 covered with plastic gems.

Mirror Ball 3x3x3A Bump Cube truncated into the shape of a sphere.
Mirror Block 7x7x7This is a shape modification of a 7x7x7 cube that implements the same concept as the Bump Cube.
Mirror Blocks BarrelA Bump Cube (aka Mirror Blocks) truncated into a cylindrical shape.

Mirror BorgA bump cube (aka Mirror blocks) transformed like the borg cube
Mirror Crono cubeA bumped version of the crono cube which is a bandaged 3x3x3.
Mirror Cube in a bottleA Bump Cube assembled in a jar.

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