Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Dragons TearA shape transformation which combines several truncation techniques.
DrakenA four times truncated pyraminx.
Drum CubeA shape variant of a 3x3x3 anywhere between a rhombohedron and a hexagonal prism.

Dual Arrow 3x3x3A 3x3x3 with equally coloured triangles on every sticker.
Dual Arrow 5x5x5A 5x5x5 with equally coloured triangles on every sticker.
Dual HelicoptrahedronA Helicopter Cube truncated into the shape of a stellated octahedron.

Dual Layer IcosahedronA DLI - A dual layer corner turning icosahedron.
Dual Solve MegaminxA Megaminx stickered to have two solutions.
Dual fold Floppy CubeA custom modification of a genuine Void Cube. Reduced to two sides instead of six.

Dual716 tiles moved by two plungers. A custom made puzzle similar to Tri-Trick.
Duo Masterball (Black & Red)This Duo variant has red replacing white.
Duo Ghost CubeA cubic 3x3x5 scrambled and transformed back into cubic shape.

Duo HexagonalA cubic 3x3x5 scrambled, axised and transformed into a hexagonal prism.
Duo Masterball (Black & Blue)This Duo variant has blue replacing white.
Duo Masterball (Black & Orange)This Duo variant has orange replacing white.

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