Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Grant Anderson
CH3Combining the axis systems of a face, corner and edge turning cube, this time with two cuts per axis.
Clematis CubeA hybrid puzzle which combines edge turns with corner turns that allow 60° turns.
Clematis TetrahedronA hybrid puzzle which combines edge turns with corner turns that allow 60° turns.

Clover 2x2x2A 2x2x2 with additional cuts inspired by the clover puzzles. Unlike other clover-puzzles the axis system is doctrinaire.
Clover 2x2x2 BallThe Clover 2x2x2 in shape of a sphere.
Clover Dodeca ChopOne side of the easiest possible corner and edge turning dodecahedron.

Clover Triakis tetrahedronA Triakis Tetrahedron with cuts inspired by the clover puzzles. Unlike other clover-puzzles the axis system is doctrinaire.
Exposed 2x2x2A 2x2x2 which inner edges were exposed thereby reimplenting the Fused 3x3x3 with a fascinating shape.
Jewel TrapA corner turning tetragonal trapezohedron. A jumbling only puzzle.

Multi-StarminxA Starminx with some internal pieces exposed and stickered.
PentatrisA megaminx in shape of a pentagonal antiprism.
Star ScepterThe Radiolarian 3 transformed into a Rhombic Dodecahedron.

Super 1x2x3A try to make a 1x2x3 more difficult.

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