Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly modified with 3D printed extensions
Six Spot TetreadroA Six Spot Cube transformed into the shape of a tetrahedron
Skewb Esférico Spikes X HollowA Skewb sphere with spikes on every piece.
Skewb Esférico X HollowA Skewb sphere with spikes on the corners.

Skewb GyroidA Skewb covered with Gyroid pieces
Skewb MalaquitaA Skewb in the shape of a gemstone, a thirteen-sided solid.
Skewb Mirror HollowA Skewb combining the concepts of the bump cube and the inventor's concept of hollow pieces.

Skewb Mirror Horror HollowA Skewb combining the concept of the Horror Cube with the inventor's concept of hollow stickers.
Skewb Tiles InversosA Skewb with tiles glued on that are shaped like inverse blind pieces.
Slovakia HeartA 3x3x3 redesigned into a heart with coat of arms of the client's home country.

Son Goku 2x2x2A 2x2x2 redesigned into a character from Dragonball.
Spherical Mirror 2x2x2A 2x2x2 bumped and reshaped into a sphere.
SpidermanA 2x2x2 in shape of Spidermans head.

Splitted 2x2x4A Masterball transformed into a fully proportional 2x2x4.
Square-1 AntiprismaA Square-1 transformed into the shape of a square antiprism.
Square-1 Axis BarrelA Square-1 "axis"ed and transformed into a cylinder.

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