Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Customly modified with 3D printed extensions
LuigiA 2x2x2 in shape of the head of Mario's companion.
Master Cross CubeThe higher order version of the Cross cube.
Master CubillusionThe bigger brother of the Cubillusion.

Master KiloHexaminx GhostA Master Kilominx transformed into a Ghost Cube.
Master Kilominx MirrorThe bumped version of the Master Kilominx
Master OrbA Master Skewb in shape of a sphere.

Master Skewb Ghost DodecaedronA Master Skewb shaped like a Dodecahedron with ghosts cuts.
Master Skewb IcosahedronA Master Skewb in shape of an icosahedron.
Master Snub DodecahedronA Masterball in shape of the Snub Dodecahedron which is one of the archimedean solids.

Master bump skewbThe concept of the Bump Cube applied to a Master skewb
Masterball TetrahedronA Masterball with glue pieces to transform it into the shape of a tetrahedron.
MastertubixA higher order version of Cubix Tube.

Mega X CubeA megaminx in shape of a stellated octahedron
Megaminx Esférico HollowA Megaminx shaped like a sphere, achieved by cage-like extensions.
Megaminx GyroidA megaminx covered with Gyroid pieces.

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