Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Doctrinaire axis system with fractional angles (corner turning hexahedron)
Capture Dino CubeA bandaged version of the Rapture Dino Cube.
Celestial GlobeA deeper cut Skyglobe with one additional set of pieces, the corners.
Clematis TetrahedronA hybrid puzzle which combines edge turns with corner turns that allow 60° turns.

Compy morningstar V2A corner turning hexahedron with 60° turns on four corners. In shape of Escher's solid.
Dino PlusA jumbling Dino Cube.
EnneaminxA puzzle defying all classification systems. The axes are oriented like a corner turning cube but the possible twists are enhanced in a very unexpected way.

Focal GemThe Junior Gem with different cuts and without edge pieces.
Fracture-16The fractured Compino in shape of a truncated triakis tetrahedron.
Fractured CompinoA Curvy Compino with four "split" axes that now allow 60�-turns.

Fractured CubeA vertex-turning jumbling tetrakis hexahedron.
Fractured TetrahedronA "fracture sliced" triakis tetrahedron, with four axes of rotation.
HexagramFour axes which allow 120� turns and four axes which allow 60� turns.

Junior GemInspired by Dayan Gem VI this puzzle applies the same concept to a simpler geometry. It allows turns of 60° on some faces but is not fudged.
Junior Gem BallA Junior Gem transformed into a sphere.
Kaleidoscope BallA sphere with a tetrahedral axis system that allows 60°-turns.

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