Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Fractured DiamondThe Krystian's Skewb (aka Master Skewb Mixup) transformed into an octahedron.
Fractured Gem IVA hexagonal prism which allows quarter turns. In shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.
Fractured curvy dino rhombic dodecahedron v4A rhombic dodecahedron with two different axis systems and a set of additional cuts that allows 60° corner turns plus two steps of unbandaging.

Fragmented CubeA shape transformation of a 3x3x3 that pretends something way more complex is going on.
Fully Functional Siamese 2x2x2 Helicopter CubeTwo hybrid puzzles combined in a fully functional Siamese.
Futurama cubeA 3x3x3 covered with icons of some characters from the series futurama.

GG Bond HeroA series of 8 figures, similar to the charaction cubes.
Gear 2x2x3A 2x2x3 with the turns on the long axis connected by gears.
Gear Extreme PenroseA Gear Cube Extreme truncated into three round surfaces in a spiral pattern.

Gear GeraniumThree circles intersecting like the puzzler. The outer two are connected with a gear meachanism.
Gear Master ExtremeThe Gear Cube Extreme reshaped into a pillowed Mastermorphix.
Gear Octagonal PrismAn Octagonal Prism with three layers with the turns between the layers connected by gears.

Geared Edges 3x3x3A 3x3x3 with a totally different type of gears.
Gears MirrorThe Gear Cube combined with the concept of the Bump Cube
Gem V rhombicuboctahedronA truncated 4x4x4.

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