Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Cubie MadnessFour 2x2x2s extended to look like a 3x3x5.
Cuboctahedron-1A Square-1 truncated into the shape of a cuboctahedron.
Curvy CopterA variation on the Helicopter Cube that uses curved cuts to reveal the otherwise hidden centerpieces.

Curvy Copter IIA deeper cut version of the Curvy Copter which results in a different set of pieces.
Curvy Copter PlusA Curvy Copter with split up X-pieces

Curvy HexaminxA redesigned version of the Hexaminx. This time with curvy cuts.
Curvy Maze CubeA 3x3x3 with a beautiful rounded and very innovative maze structure as stickers.
Curvy Octahedral MegaminxA megaminx in octahedral shape. It is not a shape transformation but designed from scratch.

D&A Hexagonal prismA 3x3x3 (or better: a magic octahedron) in shape of a hexagonal prism.
Dayan Corner OctahedronModern mass produced version of the "Magic Octahedron" from the eighties. Sold in differently coloured versions.
Dayan JewelMass produced remake of the original Magic Jewel.

DeFTIA Deeper Face Turning Icosahedron. The short form of this gives the puzzle its name.
Decagonal prism Skewb - Extended Ultimate Skewb 1557FE0FFC00003FF07FEAA8000Another Ultimate Skewb with extensions. This time the result is a decagonal prism.
Deeply truncated corners MegaminxA megaminx with deeply truncated corners. The result is a concave solid.

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