Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

Unknown merchandising designer
3x3x3 PatchA patch which shows a solved 3x3x3.
3x3x3 Pin (scrambled)A pin which shows a scrambled 3x3x3.
3x3x3 Pin (spanish)A pin which shows a 3x3x3 in midturn and a line in spanish.

3x3x3 Pin IA pin which shows a solved 3x3x3
3x3x3 Pin IIA pin which shows a solved 3x3x3. From the originhal cube craze.
3x3x3 Pin IIIA pin which shows a solved 3x3x3.

3x3x3 Rubik's Cube World Championship 2017A 3x3x3 customly designed for the Rubik's Cube World Championship 2017 in Paris.
4 Tile Magic - Pope in TrausdorfA Rubiks Magic with four tiles commemorating the visit of pope John Paul II in Trausdorf, Austria in 1988.
4frontShows a penrose triangle on every sticker.

7-Up CanPlastic sliding tile can similar to the Pepsi Can.
80s Cube DuckA Rubber Duck covered with a Rubik's Cube like pattern.
94.3 R.S.2, Der SupermixAn official Rubik's Promotions cube for a German radio station.

A&W PyraminxApparently created for the A&W Restaurant Corporation.
A-maze-ing CubeA 3x3x3 sticker variation which shows a hedge maze
ASMLPromoting "Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography" from the netherlands.

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