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Trivial - Inverted Puck
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A design that reverses the traditional Puck concept.

After creating the “Puf Granadino” the inventor realised that if only two exterior pieces were left, the traditional concept of Puck would have been inverted,
Although in reality the mechanism he used to achieve this was that of a Square-1 (3 layers), things of topology.

Regarding the name chosen, it is evident from the resemblance and its decoration that it has come about almost by chance, since Trivial Pursuit is a board game devised by Scott Abbott, a sports editor for the Canadian Press newspaper, and Chris Haney, a photographer for the Montreal Gazette newspaper. The two developed the idea on 15 December 1979 (in the Spanish town of Nerja, Malaga) and their game was launched on the market two years later.

So with the decoration of this model he want to pay my small tribute on the one hand:
to the wonderful game of Trivial Pursuit, to its creators and on the other hand to Nerja, the beautiful town on the Andalusian “Costa del Sol”, where the idea was created, a place to which I am sentimentally attached.

Printed in PETG plastic
Diameter 60 mm
Height: 30 mm
Weight: 80 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: francisco bedmar alvarez.


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